Read Like Iceland!!
The article, Iceland Celebrates Christmas Unlike Any Other Country in the World by Glen Leibowitz, is about Iceland's tradition of giving books at Christmas. I want to wrap all Icelanders in a huge hug. Their tradition, that began as the result of import shortages during WWII, is still practiced today. In fact, Iceland resident, Christopher Norris, wants to spread their tradition to the world, "We believe that reading books is a life-enhancing activity, made even more special by the memories associated with receiving gifts of books from loved ones. We further believe that well-read communities are closer-knit groups, so the buying and reading of books helps to improve social cohesion and celebrate cultural diversity through the sharing of stories and information...Essentially, we want to inspire people to discover--and rediscover--a love of reading for pleasure."
I love it! As someone who also believes and practices the giving of books, I applaud their efforts and traditions! And, although the article is about Christmas, I suggest this book giving idea can be a year round gift giving idea.

Check out the entire article here:
Iceland Celebrates Christmas Unlike Any Other Country
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